warning letter

Warning Letter for Unacceptable Behavior at Work

Sometimes the employee in any company behaves non-professionally so you must draft a formal warning letter to him. The main purpose of writing this letter is to inform the employee that his/her behavior is not acceptable at work. The letter should also explain the expectations from the employee and the consequences of such nonseries behavior. A warning letter is not something ordinary that is issued to the employee. It is the document that is not used until the employee commits a serious mistake. The letter should state that if the employee will continue his bad behavior despite the warning, the…

Warning Letter for Unacceptable Attitude

A warning letter is being issued to the employee for his unethical behavior which was totally unacceptable for the organization. The main purpose of using this letter is to correct the violation of laws by the employee. The warning is an indication to an employee that if he continues behaving unprofessionally, the company will have to take serious action against him. The letter is written for all those people who behave immorally, and they have no reason for it. Any employee is given notice before the warning letter so that he becomes aware of the situation. In some organizations, a…

Notice to Pay Rent or Quit

#1 This is to notify you that your rent for the previous four months has not been received as of (due date). As a favor to you, I extended the due date twice. However, I cannot extend the payment deadline any further. I am, therefore, obliged to serve you this official notice to pay rent or vacate the apartment. According to the legal terms of our rental agreement, you must clear the dues on time. However, since you haven’t paid the rent for four consecutive months, I have no choice but to demand eviction unless you make the whole payment…

Warning Letter for Unprofessional Behavior

A warning letter for unprofessional or unethical behavior is used for correcting the violations and it is issued to an employee for informing why his/her behavior is unacceptable. The employee is warned before a letter is issued, but if they still don’t improve then serious steps are taken. This unacceptable behavior warning letter is for those individuals who don’t have reasonable behavior with the other employees while working in an office. Unprofessional behavior includes: Before providing the individuals with a warning letter, a person is provided the notice to improve his/her conduct; a meeting is arranged in which the employee…

Warning Letter for Excessive Leaves

A warning letter for excessive leaves is issued to the individuals who remain absent from their duties without informing them before leaving. The individuals who have a poor record of attendance are warned with this letter. The purpose of the letter is to warn the employees of the seriousness, to let them know that they are failing to meet the acceptable attendance standards of the organization and as a result, they have to face serious circumstances. Further, the employees are told if they don’t take it seriously then additional disciplinary action would be taken by the company as the attendance…

Employee Warning Notice Samples

Every organization has a set of rules and regulations that need to follow. These sets of rules and regulations help maintain the decorum and the work environment of the organization. There are times when employees fail to follow the rules and regulations and either intentionally or unintentionally take actions that compromise the protocol of the organization. Such employees are to be given a warning notice which would caution them about their actions and for the future, warn them that if it happens again, there might be strict actions. The Employee warning notice should be drafted by the manager or the…