It is not easy to travel from one place to another because lots of preparations and expenses are involved in it. You have to plan everything in advance to avoid additional expenses.
In every business organization, the employees and the employers have to travel from one place to another, and for this purpose, they have to manage a separate travel account. Now there is no need to design separate software to record all travel expenses because you can download a travel expense report template.
What is a travel expense report?
A travel expense report is a professionally used document which is used to document all the expenses that an employee faces when he travels for business purpose. This report is usually prepared in MS Excel format.
The purpose of preparing this report is to let the company know the amount of money an employee has spent during traveling. Basically, the employer performs the reimbursement of the expenses on the basis of the travel expense report provided by the employee.
Submit your business travel expenses in the official looking report as it has space for all details, including information of employees, a list of expense details and approvals.
It is important to keep the record of traveling expenses because it will help you in many ways. It enables you to plan your travel in the future.
It is a key factor to reduce the expenses of next travel because, in the first experience, you will be able to learn many things.
It enables you to reduce lots of expenses after analyzing them. The report enables you to write everything, including travel expenses, the name of the destination, your stay, and other important details.
It is important for the expense management purpose to design a travel expense report. It supports you in your budget planning for your travel.
There are lots of persons having a strong habit of reviewing travel expenses. The sample template will help you to present the amount to your boss or to the accounts department.
Preview and details of the template
License: ENERGY (Personal use only)
(Distribution) by Kate Elizabeth(CEO)
What are the benefits of preparing travel expense report?
An expense report is considered to be a great tool which is equally beneficial for the employer as well as the employee. Although the benefits of this report are countless, we are discussing here some common benefits:
- This report is very useful when it comes to documenting all the travel expenses such as transportation, food expenses, conference fees, fuel consumption etc.
- A travel expense report is prepared to provide an accurate cost incurred by the employee while traveling. The employee needs a written statement providing information regarding all the expenses in order to perform the reimbursement. The use of the expense report, in this case, is highly recommended.
- Sometimes, the business needs to conduct the auditing of all the expenses. The process of auditing requires tangible evidence. When it comes to performing the auditing of the expenses, the business invoices are required to be attached which will support the expenses.
- If a company manages to get its employees to prepare the travel expenses regularly, it will save itself from the errors that may arise during budgeting.
- A travel expense report is a great tool for a company when it wants to ensure that the money given to the employee was well-spent.
Almost every company asks its employees to prepare the travel expense report. As a matter of fact, not everyone knows how to prepare the expense report. Anyone who wants to create the expense report without putting many efforts can download the template free of cost. The employee can send this template to relevant person after little modifications.
File: OpenOffice (.ods) Spreadsheet [Calc] Size 17 Kb | Download
License: ENERGY (Personal use only)
(Distribution) by Kate Elizabeth(CEO)