People often execute unprofessional behavior and when it comes to the workplace, employers usually do not and cannot tolerate the unprofessional behavior of the employees as this directly affects the productivity of the company.
There are certain standards and demeanor set by company policies for the employees to follow. However, when employees do not perform and behave according to those standards, management is forced to take action against them in order to set an example for all the employees that such behavior cannot be ignored. This also helps in creating a culture of professionalism in the organization where employees know that unprofessional behavior will not be overlooked.
There are many types of behaviors classified as unprofessional behavior. Some of the examples are:
- Irresponsible behavior – the employee does not fulfill his responsibilities.
- Laziness or delays – the employee executes lethargic behavior in completing his tasks.
- Carelessness – the employee is performing his duties but in a careless manner.
- Non-responsiveness – the non-responsiveness to the supervisor’s or client’s requests.
- Rudeness, abuse, and physical threats – the absence of civility in dealing with co-workers.
- Defensiveness – the employee tries to defend even his wrongdoings.
- Blame game – rather than taking responsibility for his actions, the employee blames others.
- Imbalance in work and life issues – sometimes, companies try to help employees if they have any issues with their families or life but that does not mean that the lack of productivity on part of employees will be tolerated.
When an employee executes an unprofessional behavior, companies try to resolve the issue by making use of informal methods such as verbal advice/warning and counseling. However, if no improvement occurs, the companies issue a warning letter for unprofessional behavior which may be followed by serious punishments or even termination if the issue does not get resolved.
The general format for the warning letter for unprofessional behavior includes details such as:
- Date
- Details of the employee
- Details of the employer
- Details of the unprofessional behavior
- Warning
- Company policy and rectification required
- A statement of encouragement and hope.
This letter is kept in the employee records and is used for evaluation purposes therefore this letter is critical to the employees and rectification of behavior often occurs after this letter.
Sample Warning Letter for Unprofessional Behavior
Dear Ms. Dora,
On 29th July 20XX at 3:15 p.m., I came to your office with the details of the requests sent by one of our most important clients. He had been requesting you over emails as well as phone calls to send him some documents. As you did not send him the documents, after two weeks, he contacted us directly.
Before I received his call, I got complaints against you from your co-workers that the project is lagging, and I communicated to you about it and even gave you a verbal warning. After the call, when I came to you, you started shouting and moved out of your office while slamming the door in my face. The whole office saw and heard you. You disrupted the office environment with your rude behavior.
Such unprofessional behavior is not tolerable by the company and you have forced us to issue this formal warning letter which will be kept in your employee file for evaluation purposes. You are being warned to rectify your unprofessionalism and become more responsible and careful toward your tasks and projects as well as your behavior.
You have been our employee for more than three years and we value our employees as assets which is why no punitive action is being taken right now. However, if your unprofessional attitude would continue even after this warning letter, you will be placed on a three days layoff followed by termination if nothing would improve.
Kindly, contact and apologize to the client, and in the future, we hope to see an improvement.
Bill Smith.

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See also:
- Delivery Route Optimization Worksheet
- Energy Consumption Monitoring Worksheet
- Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator
- Investment Portfolio Tracker
- Equipment Utilization Worksheet
- Emissions Monitoring Worksheet
- Monthly Utility Consumption Worksheet
- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- Sales Tax Calculation Sheet
- Fixed Asset Register Template
- Advance Salary Tracker
- Benefits and Deductions Worksheet
- Capital Expenditure Tracker Template
- Departmental Budget Allocation Sheet
- Payment Reminder Schedule