Valentine’s day is celebrated on the 14th of February of every year. The concept of this day originated in China and is based on the folk stories of Saint Valentine. It is basically celebrated to show love and friendship. Starting from China, it has become a cultural, religious tradition of different people around the world. It is celebrated by billions of people everywhere.
There is no specific way to celebrate it, as it can be a matter between two individuals or can also be spent by throwing a party and enjoying a night away with friends reminiscing the old times. The elite class is fond of throwing parties and gathering everyone on different occasions to show off their wealth, but this day is also celebrated in a community or in institutes to promote the spread of love.
Most of the parties of youngsters are always a hassle as fights can occur and it is difficult to solve the matter. These parties are entertained with party tickets which not only help in restricting the number of people but also assist in deciding the type of people who would join the party.
These tickets are made weeks before valentine’s day and sold at different venues. Location if ticket availability is communicated to the people so that the process is carried out smoothly.
Tickets usually have the following information mentioned on them,
- Title of Happy Valentine’s Day
- Stickers to show celebration
- Name of the party
- Theme for every invitee
- Venue of the party
- Ticket price
- Restrictions for invitee
- Timing
- Name of organizers
- Contact information in case of confusion or emergency
Some rules are decided before managing these parties to avoid fights and other such scenes that cannot be handled later. Some of these rules include,
- Only one individual can use a single ticket.
- Tickets will be distributed in pairs of girls or boys or both.
- No single boys or troubled boys can buy ticket as they would disturb other individuals at the party.
- No food and beverages are allowed on the invitees as everything will be provided at the party.
- Following the mentioned theme, I important otherwise even ticket beholder will not be allowed to enter the venue.
- If any individual is found harassing or disturbing, serious actions will be taken against them.
- If you come alone, taken proper permission from other individual for dancing or any activity.
- Do not throw garbage on the floor to keep the venue clean.
- No individual is allowed to stay after the party is finished.
- Management will not be responsible for any stolen or lost item, therefore, take care of your belongings.
The designs of these tickets are simple and can be designed by the organizers themselves. In addition, designers can be hired to make customized party tickets to show the extraordinary preparations for the party. Moreover, templates of these tickets can easily be found on the internet. Most of these templates are free of cost but some specific templates are tagged with price and can only be downloaded after paying.
Sample Ticket Templates
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