Vehicle Periodic Maintenance Schedule

Timely management and maintenance of the vehicle are very important to ensure that it works smoothly and properly. The regular maintenance of the vehicle increases the efficiency and the lifespan of the vehicle. Those people who don’t put efforts for periodic maintenance also face some problems such as expensive repair or replacement of spare parts.

For a vehicle’s owner, it is important to stay informed about the vehicle’s condition. For this purpose, the vehicle periodic maintenance schedule template can be used. A template is a handy tool for all those people who want to know the condition of the vehicle. Once the condition of the vehicle is assessed, the repairing needs of the vehicle can be known.

The schedule template for the vehicle periodic maintenance has been designed for the professionals who want to keep a check on the needs of the vehicle. There is the list of tasks mentioned in this template that the owner of the vehicle has to perform the periodic maintenance of the vehicle.

The template also set priorities of all these tasks. The tasks that are important to be maintained are given high priority and the template reminds the owner to perform those tasks.

This template can be the best tool for those people who want to save money in the long run. An engine can cause a considerable cost to the car owner if he does not maintain the vehicle after regular interval of time.
The vehicle periodic maintenance schedule template includes the following tasks:

  1. Engine repair
  2. Check-up of oil and fuel
  3. Car tuning on regular basis
  4. Replacement of the damaged or worn out parts of the vehicle
  5. Repairing of air filters

The template includes the vehicle details, the date on which the maintenance has been performed, odometer and lots of other details. A special note can also be added to the end of the template so that a complete report of the vehicle can be obtained. Since this template is required to use periodically, you can download it to your PC for later use.


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Vehicle Periodic Maintenance Schedule Template


Vehicle Periodic Maintenance Schedule Template

File: Word (.doc) 2003+ and iPad 
Size 22 Kb | Download

License: ENERGY [Personal Use Only]