Warning Letter for Dress Code Violation


Re. Addressed Dress Code Problems Reported by Manager

Dear [NAME OF THE EMPLOYEE], this letter has been drafted with reference to its subject to address the problems with dress codes and the violation observed even after a verbal warning. You have been more obstinate in what you do, regardless of what is acceptable in the company and what is not permitted. Hence, to address the issue, this letter shall discuss the important dress code references and the consequences of continuous violation.

The letter serves as a warning notice; thus, the manager needs to answer it with a show-cause notice.

[NAME OF THE COMPANY] has registered its dress code policy for the unproblematic implementation and professional workforce handling. Companies with a professional workforce emphasize wearing the right kind of attire.

Our company, whenever hiring a new employee, provides the person with a joining letter and other documents that register the important dress code rules that must be observed on weekdays while coming to the office. It is expected that you are not aware of a professional employee’s dress code policies and office attire.

Thus, an attachment, ANNEX-I, shows the company’s dress code policy with highlighted bullet points for you to observe carefully. Your manager reported that you violated the highlighted points.

Dear [NAME], The policies are made to implement an important working atmosphere in the company. Continuous violation of office policies can hinder the goal of achieving ultimate professionalism. Therefore, you are warned to comply with the workplace dress code policy; otherwise, certain unpleasant consequences can occur.

You are a competent worker who puts in hard work and contributes a lot to make this organization stronger and well-reputed. We want you to look the way you work. I hope we will no longer get the complaint regarding your dress code after this warning letter.

If you are unsure about the company’s dress code policy, you can email me at [EMAIL] or unhesitatingly meet your manager to discuss this. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Best Regards

Warning Letter for Dress Code Violation

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Re. Warning Letter on the Dress Code Violation


With reference to the above-cited subject, this is to inform you that the general manager has reported you to be wearing proscribed attire. You are not permitted to wear unprofessional attire in this office. In case of non-compliance, punitive measures can be taken that can disrupt the working and professional atmosphere of the company.

Every company has its own framework for working and regulatory dress code prescriptions. The one who does not comply with the prescribed dress code can face unpleasant consequences.

In [NAME OF THE COMPANY], an employee is not permitted to wear tight and revealing dresses, jeans with rips and frays, and extremely fashionable and unprofessionally stylish accessories. An employee should mind what he/she is wearing while coming to the office, from attire to footwear, fragrances, hair, and accessories. An employee should look like a professional worker who gives ultimate importance to what he/she wears.

An employee without a sense of professional dress code is not appreciated. Professional dress code is important for you, your colleagues, office environments, and your clients. A professional outlook yields the desired results.

Male staff members must wear full-sleeved shirts with dress trousers but not khakis and appropriate accessories like watches and rings. Too fancy rings and pendants are not allowed. Joggers and tights are also prohibited by dress codes.

All kinds of shirts with collars are allowed. During extreme weather conditions, one can wear a sports coat or make commendable changes to the prescribed dress code. Moreover, the office is completely equipped with appropriate heating and cooling systems; therefore, you are not required to make too many additions to your attire.

A well-tailored employee catches more clientage than the untailored and ungroomed one. If you have more questions regarding dress code implementations, the attached file can answer them. Please read the attached rules and regulations regarding the dress codes carefully. Any further violation will result in strict action. Thank you.


Warning Letter for Dress Code Violation

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