Warning Letter for Giving False Testimony

Speaking the truth is significantly important in everyday life. An individual telling a lie or giving false statements is never considered trustworthy even if he is telling the truth at some time. A workplace is committed to keeping a good environment. A good environment is favorable for both the organization and its members.

An entity or workplace has strict norms and procedures regarding various predictable situations. Additionally, serious actions are supposed to be taken against breaking some rules like giving false testimony. When an employee is exposed to false testimony, strict action is taken, and a warning is issued.

A warning letter for giving false testimony is issued in the following cases:

  1. When a certain employee gives false testimony based on some personal gain.
  2. False testimony can also occur because of some past grudge or jealousy.
  3. When a false testimony is found regarding the breaking of some norms and procedures.

In all the above-mentioned cases a formal warning is issued and serious actions are taken accordingly. This letter is issued from the concerned manager to the employee who is found guilty. False testimony in the profession causes serious trouble and issues. Employees should avoid committing it as it disgraces both the workplace and the employee himself/herself.

This warning letter should be accurate and according to the exact situation that occurred. All the concerned details are mandatory to be provided in this warning.

A sample letter is attached as follows.

Sample Letters


I am writing to address a serious concern regarding the testimony you provided during the legal proceedings on the 12th of March for case number 0000. It has come to our attention through investigation and cross-checking that the information you presented was false.

Providing false testimony in court is a serious offense and is considered contempt. It can lead to strict disciplinary action including heavy fines and legal action. You are, therefore, expected to provide factual information and avoid presenting false information in future proceedings. Another false testimony will result in immediate action against you.

Please consider this a formal warning and take it seriously.


I am writing to discuss a serious matter regarding your testimony during the recent workplace investigation about XYZ. Based on the evidence collected during our investigation, your testimony was found to be false. This behavior is unacceptable. It violates our company’s code of conduct regarding the display of integrity and moral values at the workplace.

We must also highlight that false testimonies can slow the investigation process because they are misleading. Therefore, this letter serves as an official warning to you. Any more violations of our code of conduct will lead to strict disciplinary action that may include your termination.

We hope you understand the gravity of the situation and expect better behavior from you in the future.


It has come to our attention that the testimony you provided during the XYZ investigation was false. We have found your statements to be contradicting. Additionally, the evidence we have collected also confirms that your testimony was misleading.

We are appalled at this behavior since you are one of our oldest and most reliable employees. We want to enquire if you made the false testimony under some pressure. The management demands an explanation along with a formal warning against such behavior in the future.

Please respond to this mail with your explanation. We hope to hear the truth from you this time because further false statements from you will result in strict disciplinary action.


This is to inform you that we found discrepancies in your testimony on the 7th of October during the XYZ investigation. As a result, the investigating team was misled and could not reach the right decision.

We are, therefore, serving an official warning to you for breaking our code of conduct. Future instances will lead to immediate and strict disciplinary action against you.

You are expected to take this warning seriously and adhere to our code of conduct in the future.


This letter serves as an official warning to you for presenting false testimony during our financial investigation against XYZ. This behavior goes against our ethical standards.

Your inaccurate statements hindered the investigation process. At the same time, you have lost your credibility within the organization. This is going to hurt your overall performance report.

You need to build your reputation again by displaying ethical and moral values as per our company’s code of conduct. Also, be reminded that future instances of the violation of our code of conduct may cause your termination.

You may contact ABC for further details and guidance.


We have come to know that you have been making false & malicious statements against our prestigious institute out of a grudge. Many of our customers & clients reported your nonstop nasty activities regarding our firm. This letter serves as a warning to make you restrain from all such things and give up your foul undertakings instantly otherwise we must take legal action against you.

We have talked to our lawyer in detail about the matter and he has clearly stated that we can start legal actions against you to sue the full amount of the reimbursements. It is up to you whether you will cease making false statements before others about us or pay a heavy amount to compensate for the damages.


Warning Letter for Giving False Testimony

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It has come to our attention that you have made false accusations against our products. This has exposed our company to reputational risk. We have found all these statements false and malicious. We have worked day and night to manufacture this product. We have one of the best teams who have done research and development to make an outstanding product. Our business is based on trust and values. Spreading such statements will harm the sales and reputation of our company.

This letter is an official warning to cease and remove any statements you have been sending to the market. We will be working with our legal team to send you any legal notices claiming the damages we have suffered due to these testimonies.

Warning Letter for Giving False Testimony

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