Warning Letter for Refusal to Cooperate with an Official Inquiry

Cooperation is important both personally and professionally. Cooperation at the personal level keeps one safe from millions of troubles and worries regarding family matters. Likewise, cooperation at the workplace keeps one safe from having warnings, displeasure notes, and bad effects on position, ranks, and qualifications.

Failure to follow all the respective rules and regulations leads to warnings at the workplace. In such cases, a formal warning letter is issued respectively.

Once an employee is found to refuse cooperation with an official inquiry, a formal warning is issued. This warning can be issued in several refusal cases. These cases can be:

  1. When an employee is making flimsy excuses to submit the respective documents regarding the official inquiry.
  2. When an employee is trying to avoid the meeting and discussion sessions.
  3. When an employee uses abusive language in front of the board of inquiry.

Hence, this letter can be used in all these cases. The organization’s norms, rules, and policies are important for the overall reputation, growth, and achievement of desired goals and objectives. Once an employee signs a contract, he is obliged to follow all the rules and regulations strictly.

Such letters need to be concise and to the point. In such letters, further details are provided upon request. The mandatory part of such a letter is a formal tone, so that it should be taken as a serious note.

A general sample letter is attached.

Sample Letters


We are writing to express our serious concern about your refusal to cooperate with the ongoing workplace safety inquiry. Your lack of cooperation is unacceptable, as it hinders our efforts to identify and rectify potential hazards.

Therefore, this letter serves as a formal warning. Any further refusal to cooperate will result in disciplinary actions, including possible suspension or termination.

We expect you to comply fully with the inquiry and provide any necessary information to help resolve this matter.


It has been reported that you have refused to cooperate with the official XYZ inquiry. This act is considered insubordination and may result in strict disciplinary action. You are, therefore, advised to participate in the investigation by providing the requested details.

You are to contact the ABC department and provide the information demanded. Failure to do so by the end of this day will compel us to take strict action against you.

Looking forward to your response.


This is an official warning against your refusal to cooperate with the internal audit being conducted in our department. Your participation is important for accuracy in the audit.

Refusing to cooperate is a blatant violation of the company’s policy. Your continued non-compliance will result in strict disciplinary action. We, therefore, expect you to fully cooperate so that the audit can be completed accurately.

Please get in touch with XYZ for any concerns and queries.


This is in response to your lack of support for the ongoing customer complaint inquiry involving XYZ. Your lack of cooperation will prolong the investigation, and we might fail to resolve the issue. In addition, your behavior is blatant insubordination of the management’s orders. This letter, therefore, serves as an official warning to you.

You must cooperate in this case and all future instances. Failure to do so will result in strict disciplinary action against you.

We expect you to take this warning seriously and contact the investigation team.


We are writing to serve an official warning to you regarding your absence during the XYZ investigation proceedings on the 10th of June. As you were informed earlier, your participation in the investigation was mandatory.

The management is displeased with your lack of cooperation. You must attend our next investigation meeting and provide your input about the XYZ case. Failure to do so will be considered blatant insubordination, resulting in disciplinary action.

We hope you take this warning seriously and ensure your participation in the investigation proceedings to be held on the 15th of June at 9 AM in Board Room 2.

You may contact ABC for further details.


This letter is issued as a warning for your gross violation of the company policy. The reference quotes do not assist us in making inquiries against the condemned employee being accused of harming the company’s name.

It is reported that you said a prompt NO to your supervisor in this regard. The organization won’t endorse such bad behavior by any employee. Being a part of the firm, you must remain faithful to the integrity and honor of the company, not the individuals.

You gave the reason that you have an emotional attachment to [NAME] and cannot help us in the proceedings of any charge against him. This could be considered sheltering the guilty person, hence the partners in crime.

You have proved unfaithful to company policy while actively participating in it, and for this, you deserve a swift termination from your post as [INSERT DESIGNATION].

Considering your excellent professional record, the company wants to give you a final chance to cooperate with the authority in every possible way so that no employee could ever dare to annihilate the company’s name.

Thank you!

Warning Letter for Refusal to Cooperate with an Official Inquiry

Sample Letter Files: 97 KB