Letter 1:
Re. Warning for Safety Rules Violation
Dear [NAME], according to the OSH Act, employers are held liable for the violations of the safety rules and any hazards experienced by the employees. This letter seeks into the violation observed by the National Security Council (NSC) inspection team who visited your company on [DATE]. Employees’ health and safety should be a top priority for the employers and must demonstrate this explicitly in the policies of the safety regulations designed by the company.
Violation of safety rules comes under the infringement of Employees Safety Rules at Workplace Laws (2017) specifically. Therefore, it is important to look into the problems witnessed by the NSC team and their recommendations.
On [DATE], NSC visited your company [NAME] and found the following safety rules violations:
- There were no tags on the machines and instruction pads on how to use them and other safety measures while using them
- There were no safety costumes for the workers who work in the kiln and operate the broiler
- Moreover, most of the staff use their regular clothes while working with the machines without considering it important to change their costumes, sleepers, and wear caps
- Your workers were found eating and drinking in the no-eating zone where medicines are given final processing.
The above-mentioned four points have been mentioned by the NSC team and their pictures have been enclosed as proof. You are required to restore all the safety rules according to the safety rules guide provided. Please read out the guide properly and ask for anymore if needed at [EMAIL].
The next NSC visit shall be without notice and further violation of the safety rules shall result in the sealing of the sensitive zones of your company. To avoid any unpleasant constraints, you are advised to restore the safety regulators. Thank you.

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Letter 2:
Re. Warning for the Violation of Safety Laws at Workplace and Order of Restoration
Dear [NAME],
This letter serves as a warning letter and any kind of noncompliance with the said shall result in the temporary or permanent sealing of the company, legal action against the employers with respect to Safety at Workplace Laws and Retrieval (SWL&R), or any other action in the premises of SWL&R and with the jurisdiction of Employees Safety Control Imposition. Thus, you are required to study this letter carefully and respond accordingly. Your response must be submitted before [DATE] in the [NAME THE AUTHORITY].
On [DATE], a visit of an inspection team exposed the vulnerability and hazardous environment of working in your company. As your company deals with construction outsourcing and the company is responsible for any loss to the living, you need to be mindful of the safety of employees.
At work, employees are the responsibility of employers, and this way, you are found negligent. On the visit to the site [AREA] where your workers have been constructing a building for [NAME THE COMPANY].
Seven of the workers were found without construction helmets and appropriate costumes. Moreover, there was no respiratory protection in the basement and grounded zones of the buildings.
However, there were fire extinguishers installed on three floors, but no fire extinguisher has been installed on levels 4 and 5.
You are required to respond to this warning accordingly. You are advised to reinstate all the safety protocols for the employees. The rest of the stuff has been found fine however, a lot of work needs to be done on the mentioned security hazards and malfunctioning.
Any potential loss of living or injury will be on the employer. Therefore, it is advisable to reinstall all the safety measures to fill the gap in the safety of employees. If this letter is not dealt with immediate restoration and imposition of safety measures, you will be removed from the verified safe company for workers list and disqualified for the annual DFGHNC meeting. Moreover, such legal actions would be taken to compensate for any potential loss.
You are required to take pictures after the imposition of safety measures and send them to [EMAIL]. A surprise visit will be considered soon afterward, and violation of safety rules shall result in immediate suspension of license.

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