#1: Poor Performance
This letter serves as an official warning against your poor performance. We have received numerous customer complaints during the last 2 months about the substandard quality of food and poor customer service. The overall ratings of the restaurant have dropped under your management.
You must supervise the staff and make sure they deliver the best customer service. In addition, ensure that everything in the kitchen is in order. Proper hygiene standards should be followed, and the food quality should be consistent.
We will observe the performance of the restaurant during the coming month and hope for a drastic improvement.
#2: Lack of Performance
This is with reference to your bi-annual performance report. We are disappointed at the lack of performance on your part. The restaurant hasn’t been able to improve its reputation, and there has been no increase in revenues. On the contrary, new food chains in the vicinity have drawn most of our loyal customers away.
Your performance will be monitored over the coming two months. There should be noticeable progress in the form of a wider customer base and increased revenues. Failure to achieve this target might result in your termination from the post of manager.
You are advised to take the warning seriously and bring about an improvement in your performance with immediate effect.
#3: Poor Service
I am writing to address a concerning matter. There have been several complaints about the XYZ branch of our restaurant that is under your management. Due to the poor customer service, the reputation of the restaurant has been negatively affected.
You must strive to improve the service you provide to our clients. In the event of future complaints, you will not be able to retain your managerial post.
Please contact XYZ for further queries.
#4: Unprofessional Behavior
We are writing in response to a serious complaint regarding your unprofessional behavior. Your female staff has complained about your discriminatory behavior towards them. As the restaurant’s manager, it is essential that you play the role of an exemplary leader and treat everyone equally. This is extremely important in order to maintain harmony and avoid any kind of discord at work.
However, continued unprofessional behavior will have severe consequences for you. You are, therefore, advised to take this warning seriously and perform your responsibilities as a manager.
#5: Misbehavior with Customer
We are writing in response to a customer complaint against you. It has been reported that you misbehaved with a customer on the night of June 6. As the restaurant’s manager, it is your responsibility to provide the best customer service.
Consider this an official warning. Any future complaint will not be tolerated, and we will be compelled to remove you from your managerial post.
Kindly contact XYZ for your queries and concerns.
#6: Verbal Altercation with Customer
This is in response to a serious verbal altercation with a customer. Your misbehavior has resulted in a severely negative impact on the reputation of our restaurant.
On the 10th of October, you engaged in an argument with a client, and the incident was witnessed by the staff as well as the diners present at the restaurant at that moment. Even though the customer made an unreasonable demand, you were expected to deal with the matter more tactfully, avoiding any unpleasant confrontation. As the manager of the restaurant, you should display an amicable and accommodating attitude towards all kinds of clients.
You are advised to be more careful in the future. Your behavior towards the customers plays an extremely important role in building the overall reputation of the restaurant. In addition, it also sets an example for the rest of the staff.
We will not tolerate such behavior in the future. It may compel us to terminate your job.
- Ramadan Schedule Notification for Staff
- One Day Absent Note to Boss
- Request Letter to Staff for Voluntary Deduction from Salary
- Holiday Closing Messages
- Letter Requesting Transfer to another Department
- Letter Requesting Promotion Consideration
- Umrah Leave Request Letter to Boss
- Ramadan Office Schedule Announcement Letters/Emails
- Letter to Friend Expressing Support
- Letter to Employer Requesting Mental Health Accommodation
- Letter Requesting Reference Check Information
- Letter Requesting Salary Certificate
- Letter Requesting Recommendation from Previous Employer
- One Hour Off Permission Letter to HR
- Payroll Apology Letter to Employee