Using basic toilet etiquette in public restrooms is a sign of your civic sense. In particular, it is important to consider these etiquettes at the workplace, where these manners contribute towards maintaining a clean and hygienic environment.
However, not everyone follows the basic rules of toilet etiquette. Individuals at an office come from different backgrounds. Some of them might not be as considerate of toilet hygiene as others. In order to maintain a clean and pleasant space, office management often uses workplace toilet etiquette posters to educate employees when they use shared restrooms. These posters also lay down the rules all employees must follow in order to keep the space hygienic and well-organized.
Here is what to include in a toilet etiquette poster for your workplace.
Visuals and Text
All information on the poster is provided with the help of short textual instructions or visuals. Keep the instructions concise so that readers can understand the point at a single glance. Moreover, use symbols and figures to further clarify the instructions.
Toilet Cleanliness Reminder
Include a reminder for toilet cleanliness. Instruct the employees to flush the toilet after every use. This is one of the most important components of toilet etiquette, as it helps maintain hygiene.
Paper Towel Disposal Instructions
Remind employees to dispose of power towels and other disposal sanitary items properly. Provide clear instructions if these items are not flushed in the toilet since it can lead to a blockage. Instead, remind users to throw used sanitary items and paper towels responsibly in the garbage bin.
Instructions for Hand Dryer Usage
Provide clear guidelines for hand dryer usage. If the device has any special features, mention it on the poster. Moreover, it is also worth reminding the employees how to use the hand dryer more efficiently in order to conserve energy.
Reminder: Wait for your Turn
It is important to wait for your turn if a toilet is already occupied. This is particularly an essential reminder to mention a toilet etiquette poster for the workplace. Disputes and disagreements can arise if employees are not considerate about whose turn it is first. This can lead to a negative environment and conflict between coworkers. So, don’t forget to mention this simple yet important component on the poster.
Request for Avoiding Waste
All the toiletries provided in the restrooms of an office lead to overhead costs for the organization. Therefore, a request should be included in the poster, asking employees to avoid the waste of items like soap and paper towels.
In addition, remind the employees not to waste water. Such instructions reinforce the importance of conserving natural resources among employees, helping them contribute to the environment as a team.
Final Thoughts
Workplace toilet etiquette posters are designed to instill civic sense in employees and help them adopt more hygienic habits. These posters provide reminders and instructions to individuals about the proper use of a public restroom. At the same time, it also helps an organization cut down on overhead costs and maintain a clean environment.

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